Southern Crossing


     Southern Crossing is a fun and flowy connecting trail. Few trails in this state excite me as much as this awesome joyride . At just 2.2 miles, it's fun no matter which direction you are going. Even though there is more downhill headed easterly, the difference is negligible.

     It’s not only fun to ride, but construction of this simple route put the finishing touch on connecting several different trails in the Monzano range, making truly epic single track riding a reality. It's the perfect stick of a lolly pop, an ideal crossover on a figure 8 or the top hat on a big fat loop. 

With the planning and support of an amazing team at the Cibola National Forest, here’s to more successful trails in the future!

My favorite time of year

     Starting in early September and possibly lasting until the middle of November, high temperatures hover around the mid 70s. Trips to higher elevations find you wishing that you had decided to bring that windbreaker. Hot, sweaty, grinds up loose, rocky trails turn into easy little jaunts with lower temperature and legs strengthened by summer rides. Rides stretch closer to sunset as the sun races us to the horizon a little bit earlier every night.

     When you’re spoiled  by DNYRR (Damn Near Year Round Riding), it’s easy to forget that most people only get to ride for a relatively brief part of the year. New Mexico fall, however, is the golden, magical, euphoric time of the year. It’s the season to rule them all. You can ride anywhere at anytime of day. From my driveway, there’s over 200 miles of singletrack to choose from with zero percent chance of hurricanes. It’s not too hot, not too dry, not too cold, not too sunny. Lil’ red says it’s juuuuuust right.  

     This year, our monsoons have been rolling through every week. It’s unusual for September, but it’s keeping the trails tacky and the dust down. My personal recommendation for this weekends riding would be a loop through Cedro, home to some of those “hot, sweaty, grinds up loose, rocky trails.” It’s great dirt, and did I mention that the weather is perfect? 

     Keep in mind that the lower Sandia trails are still closed for bears, and it looks like it will stay that way for the near future.
